If you are currently going through a separation, divorce, tribunal or dispute you can begin to feel that you are in a fight. If you are in a legal situation it can feel bewildering, lengthy and expensive. Your thoughts can become consumed by the challenge, worried that you will make a mistake and the other party will take advantage and win.
Getting on with people when you agree is easy. It is when you disagree you discover their true characteristics. Negative aspects of their personality become more visible; more apparent. Previously they may have been a bit abrupt, but now they are downright rude and abrasive. Their slight penny pinching ways which were once a source of amusement, now cause so much aggravation.
This period of life can affect us emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.We begin to question what we did to deserve this. We can feel isolated and afraid – feeling similar to David facing the insurmountable Goliath. Often, we just want to be heard, to be treated fairly, maybe even receive an apology.
If you perceive you are in a fight then you are helping your body to stay on high alert and to activate those accompanying stress hormones. Not beneficial for your long term health. You are actually not in a physical fight, but rather a journey of release. You are actually letting go of someone or something to hopefully achieve a brighter future with more hope, love and joy.
You could consider putting the paperwork associated with journey of release in a bright pink or emerald green folder – the colour of the heart energy centre. Every colour resonates at a frequency and has energetic properties. The pink and emerald green colour both have loving and healing qualities.
Next you could consider where you store this paperwork. To have it on your dining room table, the lounge coffee table or on your bedside cabinet is not conducive for your relaxation. Keep the folder out of view may be preferable to avoid that constant mental reminder.
Fighting time can exacerbate your stress. Delays may occur and the process of release may be slower than you desire. If you get infuriated you cannot get to court for your hearing more quickly, it is a reminder that you are not alone experiencing a situation like this. It is common. It is important how you reframe your situation mentally. Problems often take time to rectify. The universe works at its own pace.
These delays may actually be beneficial as they might give you more time:
- to spend focusing on your health such as having Reiki treatments
- to spend with your family
- to spend volunteering or gaining more work experience, maybe in a different field
- to gain a new qualification
- with your hobbies – maybe revisiting a childhood pastime or exploring a new pursuit
- to set up your own business
- to date and start a new relationship
- to spend with friends
You often find when you experience these life moments that you meet others going through, or who have had similar experiences. They can often help this journey feel less isolating.
It is more important how you view this journey of release and how you nurture yourself through this period. These moments, if you let them, can take you down or you can use them to look at other aspects of your life that need nurturing. Life is like a jigsaw – you are in the process of releasing one piece. You need to look after the other aspects of your life so the jigsaw does not collapse and remains together.
There is beautiful quote by Leo Tolstoy “There is only one time that is important- now! It is the most important time because it is the only time we have any power.”
By releasing the fight you can move onto a journey of release.