In our modern lives stress is more common place. We can often feel overwhelmed and unable to cope with the emotional and/or mental pressure created through our relationships, work and money worries. Our body tries to defend itself from the perceived threat through a surge in hormones, known as the “fight or flight response”. These hormones quickly return to normal once the perceived pressure or threat has passed.
These hormones stay in your body if you are constantly under stress which can lead to a variety of symptoms such as: difficulties in sleeping, headaches, muscle tension, anxiety, sweating, a more negative thought pattern, a feeling of being disconnected or even the start of other physical illnesses. Too much stress over a sustained period of time is known as chronic stress and it has been linked to heart disease and stroke.
Stress can affect your aura, the energy field around the body. For example, if you are sad or angry your aura will contract. Stress can also affect our chakras which connect to and govern our endocrine system. The body, through its pain signal, will often make you aware that it needs assistance.
A recent best seller, “The Healing Code”, the book by Alexander Loyd and Ben Johnson, cites research from the world renowned cell biologist, Bruce Lipton, who found that stress was the cause of at least ninety five of illness and disease, leaving only the remaining five percent being due to your genes.
How can I alleviate stress?
Reiki is a very popular form of healing therapy for stress as clients often find it can be deeply relaxing and soothing, ideal during or after a stressful event. Reiki aims to assist the body’s natural healing ability and can be used with your current prescribed medication.
For those who are interested, there was some recent research conducted in 2011 into Reiki and its benefits to mood and well-being by Bowden et al. The research found participants with high anxiety and/or depression who received Reiki showed a progressive improvement in overall mood, which was significantly better at a five week follow up compared to those who did not receive Reiki. The full article can be viewed on
I am experienced in assisting people affected by stress. If you would like further information or to book for a Reiki treatment with me please contact me