This is a one day course teaching Reiki and allowing you to qualify to Level 1. The training day is being taught by myself, an experienced Reiki Master practioner who can trace their Reiki heritage back to the original founder in Japan.
The Usui Reiki level 1 training day is relaxed, friendly and very informative. You will have plenty of opportunities to ask questions and practice. It is being held in Culcheth which makes it easily accessible by car from the M6, M62 and East Lancs; ideal for students from areas such as Manchester, Liverpool, St Helens, Wigan and Warrington.
The day covers:
The history and principles of Reiki
The Reiki attunements
Healing yourself with Reiki- theory and practise
Healing others with Reiki- theory and practise
You will be taught to heal from a therapy bed and heal someone from a chair. There will be a few simple meditations throughout the day to help you relax.
The price for the training day and Reiki 1 qualification is £100. This includes your training, training material, Reiki 1 attunement, framed certificate and refreshments. You will need to bring your own lunch and a pen.
I also currently run Reiki coffee mornings throughout the year. A chance to get together with other Reiki students and further practise your new skills where there is a voluntary contribution of £5 as everyone’s financial circumstances do vary. The next Reiki student meet up is on Saturday 7th January 2017.
Should you have any questions or would like to book on the day please call myself. Feedback from previous students is on my Facebook page.
kind regards
Culcheth Healing
07931 337 941