I often get asked by clients about sage, so they can cleanse the energy of their home. They wish to uplift their environment to help improve their general mood and maybe aid their stress and anxiety. Some see it as a powerful spiritual ritual, to invite in positive energy and they feel it is important for their own self care. Burning sage or smudging can be done at any time of day or night. When we talk about sage, we are typically talking about white sage, whose leaves are white and a lot larger and thicker than the green sage variety, you typically find in pots to buy at the supermarkets.
How to Make A Sage Bundle
You can actually make your own sage bundles for smudging

1. Simply gather your white sage leaves. You can add eg lavender to make the bundle more fragrant
2. Using cotton string or natural twine, tie the bundle at the base with a secure knot.
3. Starting in the centre, wrap the string toward the top of the bundle before returning to the base and tie. Be sure to crisscross tightly. Cut off any excess string.
4. Hang the sage bundle upside down in a cool, dry place for a week minimum.
How To Burn Sage
Simply light one end of your sage bundle evenly over a heat-safe bowl and let it burn for a few seconds, before putting out the flame. Set an intention or put in a prayer, such as to Archangel Michael, and carefully cleanse your space using the smoking white sage stick. Sage each room by shutting the door and opening one window, so there is only one exit point for the old energy to vacate. Some people believe in going round the room clockwise whilst others prefer anti-clockwise. I personally feel it depends on the lay lines and other influences such as, EMF. Go to where you are intuitively drawn to smudge, remembering the skirting boards, room corners, behind the curtains (be extra careful as a fire risk) and electrical sockets. Some people like to waft the smoke with their hand, whereas others may prefer to use a large feather.
How To Sage Yourself
Again, simply light one end of your sage bundle over your heat safe bowl, let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame. Sage yourself including all around your aura, above your chakras, around your hands, under your armpits and soles of your feet. Linger in areas where you are intuitively or like to focus on. Allow the ash to collect in a heatproof ceramic bowl or shell. It is often easier to ask someone to sage you as then you can sage behind you.
Can You Play Whilst Smudging?
It is simply down to personal preference. I like to be at peace with my prayers whilst I smudge. I ask for the protection of my home, my family and my clients. I ask for the unwanted energy to be moved on and for my home and therapy room to be infused with love, laugher and happiness. Your prayers are personal to you. I say them out load, but you could say them quietly or internally.
Can You Reuse Burnt Sage?
You can reuse the same white sage smudge stick. However, overtime when it becomes too small to be practical, you might want to start a new white sage bundle. I like to return my sage bundle to the earth. You could compost, green recycle rather than simply putting them in the household waste bin. Scatter the ashes from your smudging routine also outside in the garden.
How Often Should You Smudge?
I think it is down to you. I work as a therapist doing Reiki healing, Energy Healing and Cord Cutting therapy. There is lot of people relieving their anxiety, depression, sadness and worries within my therapy room. I also do readings and psychic counselling. So my environment needs a lot more uplifting. I therefore think I will need to sage smudge more than most typical people. Also, I like to smudge myself quite a bit, especially after a more difficult healing or clairvoyant session.
Otherwise, suggested times for burning your sage and smudging are
- Seasonally
- When intuitively drawn
- When having a house declutter
- After moving into a new home
- At a Full Moon for letting go of old unwanted energies
- After a relationship breakdown
- After a bad period of arguments, disputes, upset or low vibes
- Over your crystals to cleanse them
Not everyone likes the smell of sage, it is quite a heavy aroma. You do not have to use sage. You can use any aromatic leaves or petals in your bundle such as: lavender, rosemary, thyme, basil, cedar, pine, juniper, bay leaves, cinnamon, lemon balm or rose petals. In fact it is better for the environment as white sage is being over harvested in some natural sites.