Distance Healing is sometimes called Remote Healing or Absent Healing. It is where you can heal someone irrespective of where they live in the world. People have often initially tried a healer or therapist local to them to help them with their personal difficulties; such as stress, anxiety and depression. They have got to the stage where they are needing to look further afield, around the world and thanks to modern technology they can.
Reiki Distance Healing
I have been teaching Reiki Distance Healing to students for many years. It is taught at Level 2, where students learn how to heal the public. The public may not be able to get to see them face to face in their therapy room. It may be due to shift patterns, disability, high levels of stress and depression, transportation difficulties or location. In Reiki we talk about using a symbol which is said to allow students to heal across time and space.
Usui is believed to have brought in symbols to help students with their healing. Not all students can see and feel energy to the same extent. I have taught students, who wish to develop their gift, a separate workshop on how to see auras – the energy field around people and every living thing.
How Do You Do Remote Healing?
I have Distance Healing clients UK and across the world. I can actually see blocks in a client’s body when they first speak to me over the phone, from a photograph they send me or from an email. I am simply connecting with the energy of the person. Being clairvoyant and psychic has definitely helped in this area of healing.
If a person is happy their energy field to me appears smooth, vibrant and often quite large. In comparison, an unhappy person has a bumpier energy field, and to my eyes is less sparkly and often has contracted slightly inwards.
The energy centres in an unhappy person also start to become blocked over time. The heart to me shows less rays of light emitting from it, and also the energy centres around and above the head usually have started to become tinged or become darker with energy blocks.
Reiki is a form of energy healing. Energy blocks within the body stop the natural energy flow. I believe it just depends where these blocks are and how severe they are, is how quickly you will feel it within your body. An easy analogy is our energy pathways are rather like the roads – a block on the motorway causes more disruption than a block on a country road. Also,many cars blocking many lanes of a motorway will often cause more traffic flow issues than a single car breaking down in one motorway lane.
What Happens in A Distance Healing Appointment? 
Step 1 – You simply contact me with your name, your email address, a contact number and what you are seeking help with. Also, how you wish to be contacted – is it via Skype, WhatsApp Messenger or if UK based your usual telephone number.
Step 2 – An appointment is made for you – this will take into account time differences
Step 3 – Payment is made before the appointment – this is £45 currently. A confirmation will be sent to you when payment has been received.
Step 4 – You need to send if possible a photo – one without anyone else in it. Your energy is affected by other people. Also, I am trying to keep the healing appointment about you rather than the others in the photo and their problematic areas.
Step 5 – The Remote Healing Appointment
- I will call you and we will speak. I actually see energy centres (chakras), I see energy blocks within and around the body. I will talk about how your body feels to me and you can talk about how you are feeling and where you are at in life. You can talk about any therapies or treatments you may have tried or anything else you feel is worrying you and preventing you moving forward in life.
- I then ask you to lie down at your home. Most people lie down fully clothed and if they desire place a blanket over themselves. If you cannot lie down you can sit in a chair with your feet firmly on the floor.
- You might want a drink of water on hand and tissues in case you feel the need to let go of emotions by crying.
- Place your hands on your body.
- You can put in prayers for your healing if you desire. This gives permission for the Angels to help you
- Now in my therapy room, I will place the picture of you on my therapy room bed. I will then heal you as I would if you were actually in the room itself.
- At the end of the healing I will call you. We chat about the healing session. You can tell me how you feel and I can talk about my experiences within the healing.
- I personally would after the appointment leave about 30 minutes to relax before carrying on with daily life.
How Many Absent Healing Sessions Do I Need?
Everybody is different- it varies from individual to individual. A healing is a bit like an onion. The first healing is more likely to have taken off the easy outer layers- sometimes it goes straight to the inner ones and one healing is all you feel you need to carry on forward in life.
For others the energy pain blocks are more deeply rooted, internalised and maybe more severe. Clients have often tried a variety of therapies before calling me. Some have helped, but they know there is more healing to go. The first Remote Healing session booked by them is to experience what Distance healing feels like, to feel they can trust me and it is the following session(s) where they feel confident to fully relax and safe to let go of that deep pain. Some of this pain is often secret, where they have told no-one or very few people. It may be due to a difficult life experience or something they cannot forgive themselves for. I have found that deep pain often needs a feeling of trust of the therapist to let go of. Sometimes it is the Distance Healing- that makes if easier- safety in distance.
Everything that is discussed in the appointment is confidential, as it would be if you were seeing me in my therapy room.
How Much is Distance Healing?
A Distance Healing session with myself is still £50 for the hour.
How To Book A Distance (Remote) Healing Session
You simply contact me with:
- Your name
- Your email address
- Your contact number
- Briefly what you are seeking help with
- How you wish to be contacted – is it via Skype, WhatsApp Messenger or if UK based telephone.
This information gets sent straight to my email not to a third party.
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
- I cannot read and reply to long and in-depth emails as you can imagine as it is a worldwide service this would not be practical. This is what the Distance Healing appointment is for. It is to give you time to talk about you. It is for clients who are looking to move forward in life and wish to work with me in doing so.
- Please always seek the advice of a doctor or medical professional if you are feeling ill. It is not a substitute for conventional medicine.
- I offer no guarantees. I only offer to try my best for all my clients. I love my work and I believe passion for what you do in life helps tremendously – also seeing Angels