Reiki Training, Events & Workshops. Reiki and healing training courses in Warrington Cheshire

Learn Reiki 2

Learn Usui Reiki Level 11

Reiki 11  training day Sunday 20th September 2015 Warrington, Cheshire If you are wanting to become a Reiki Practioner and heal others, including the general public then this is the training course you need. You expand on the knowledge you learnt at Reiki Level 1, discovering the symbols, how to use the symbols including the…

Learn Reiki Level 1

Usui Reiki Level 1 Training Day Sunday 11th October 2015 Warrington, Cheshire If you are wanting to discover how to heal yourself through traditional Japanese Reiki healing then this is the perfect training course for you.  This is a one day course taught by myself, an experienced Energy Healer and Reiki Master Teacher. You will also learn…

Aura Training Workshop

Sunday 29th March 10:30am until 3:30pm Aura Workshop   The aura is the energy field outside your body and it is made up of a variety of layers and fluctuating colours. The information contained within the aura is used by experts in holistic healing, martial arts and psychic circles. On this workshop day you will:…