Reiki Training, Events & Workshops. Reiki and healing training courses in Warrington Cheshire
Reiki 2 is the qualification people often desire to carry on their spiritual journey and for some; so they can gain their insurance and heal the public through Reiki therapy and distance healing. Reiki ii is sometimes called the practioner qualification. As a Reiki Master Teacher I have taught students from across the North West – Manchester, Liverpool, Warrington, Wigan,…
If you are already have Reiki level 1 you may now feel ready to learn Usui Reiki level 2. It may be for your own knowledge or you would like to heal others beyond your friends and family. Once you have your Reiki 2 qualification you can gain insurance so that you heal the general…
If you are seeking to qualify in Reiki then this is the first qualification you will need. There will be a few simple meditations throughout the day to help you relax. You will be taught by myself, an experienced Reiki teacher. I can trace my Usui Reiki heritage back to the original founder in Japan.…
A day workshop introducing auras and training exercises to aid aura sight. On the day we discover more about the aura and chakras and learn how to see and feel the aura on yourself, others, trees, plants and objects. We will learn more about the colour of auras and importantly how to look after and protect them. The event…
If you have Reiki Level 1 you may now be feeling a need to learn and take the next level of qualification, Usui Reiki 2. Reiki 1 helps you to heal yourself, where as Reiki 11 is often called the Practioner qualification; as you have the knowledge to heal the public either face to face or through…
You have your Reiki 1 qualification however, you would like to learn more – either for your own personal knowledge or so you can heal others beyond your friends and family. Reiki 2 is often called the Practioner qualification as you can now gain your insurance and heal the public through face to face therapy…
If you are seeking to qualify in Reiki then this is the first qualification you will need. It is taught by myself, an experienced Reiki teacher. I can trace my Usui Reiki heritage back to the original founder in Japan. The day is relaxed, friendly and very informative. You will have plenty of opportunities to…
Want to learn Reiki level 2? Many people feel a compelling desire to learn and gain the Reiki 11 qualification for their own personal development and even maybe to heal others – beyond their friends and family. Reiki 1 is often seen as the qualification to heal yourself and now with Reiki 2, the practioner…
Reiki 11 training day Sunday 17th January 2016 Warrington, Cheshire This is a one day training course in Reiki Level 11. On the day students are taught about distance healing, how to use the Reiki Energy Symbols, healing the general public and receive the all important Reiki Level 2 attunement. There will be a couple of meditations on the day…
If you are wanting to learn Reiki Level 1 then this is a very comprehensive one day training course taught in a relaxed, informal environment by myself, an experienced and fully trained Reiki Master Teacher. There are guided meditations throughout the day to aid learning and relaxation. This is the original Usui Reiki as I can train my training lineage back to the original founder.…