Learn Reiki 2 Manchester Warrington

Learn Reiki 2 Sunday 5th June 2016

You have your Reiki 1 qualification however, you would like to learn more – either for your own personal knowledge or so you can heal others beyond your friends and family. Reiki 2 is often called the Practioner qualification as you can now gain your insurance and heal the public through face to face therapy…

Reiki 1 training school course

Learn Reiki Level 1 Sunday 8th May 2016

If you are seeking to qualify in Reiki then this is the first qualification you will need. It is taught by myself, an experienced Reiki teacher. I can trace my Usui Reiki heritage back to the original founder in Japan. The day is relaxed, friendly and very informative. You will have plenty of opportunities to…

Reiki 11 qualification course

Reiki Level 2 Training 17th January 2016

Reiki 11  training day Sunday 17th January 2016 Warrington, Cheshire This is a one day training course in Reiki Level 11. On the day students are taught about distance healing, how to use the Reiki Energy Symbols, healing the general public and receive the all important Reiki Level 2 attunement. There will be a couple of meditations on the day…

Usui Reiki Level 1

Learn Reiki Level 1 Sunday 8th November

If you are wanting to learn Reiki Level 1 then this is a very comprehensive one day training course taught in a relaxed, informal environment by myself, an experienced and fully trained Reiki Master Teacher. There are guided meditations throughout the day to aid learning and relaxation. This is the original Usui Reiki as I  can train my training lineage back to the original founder.…

Learn Reiki 2

Learn Usui Reiki Level 11

Reiki 11  training day Sunday 20th September 2015 Warrington, Cheshire If you are wanting to become a Reiki Practioner and heal others, including the general public then this is the training course you need. You expand on the knowledge you learnt at Reiki Level 1, discovering the symbols, how to use the symbols including the…

Learn Reiki Level 1

Usui Reiki Level 1 Training Day Sunday 11th October 2015 Warrington, Cheshire If you are wanting to discover how to heal yourself through traditional Japanese Reiki healing then this is the perfect training course for you.  This is a one day course taught by myself, an experienced Energy Healer and Reiki Master Teacher. You will also learn…

Learn Reiki Angels pain loss sad unhappy

Interview with God

I stumbled across this and it just resonated with me. We all encounter a life with joy, happiness, sadness and pain.  We often need to call upon our inner resources, beliefs,  friends and family to help us through the journey. The author to “Interview with God” is unknown and there are slightly different versions available.…